Thanks so much for continuing with me along my adventure aboard the Zaandam and Rotterdam cruise  ships, from March 7th to April 4th, 2020. This is a continuation of the lessons learned and of God’s  interventions, His revelations, His sustaining power, as well as the miracles He performed during my  voyage.  

In the previous LIFE study, SOS, I shared how we were going crazy from boredom and growing less  confident in seeing home again. And then we heard these words….”This is your captain speaking. Good  news. We are headed to Florida, and we have been granted permission to dock at the port in Fort  Lauderdale. We should be docking in two days, and you will then be able to begin your journey home.”  Okay, I could have kissed the captain (I know, I know. Last lesson I wanted to kill the captain. No wonder  Derrick’s theme song for me is “Your Crazy Is Beautiful to Me.” Yet another lesson for another day).  Sorry. I digressed. We were going home!! 

We just had a few more days to go! We had to make a clandestine crossing through the Panama Canal  (So that was scary. All the lights had to be off. We weren’t supposed to look out the windows, although  Derrick and I couldn’t resist. And when we saw the men with rifles on the wall, we shut those curtains  real quick). We had to make new flight reservations. We had to pack. We had to update our family and  friends. We had to give President Trump his props (Yes, even writing that hurt. But he convinced the  governor of Florida to let us disembark when no other country would. And God did use all kinds of kings  to accomplish his purposes. Just read about Saul and Nebuchadnezzar). Sorry, I digressed again. We had  to get another health screening and clearance (I was pushing ice chips and Tylenol and threatening  Derrick that he’d better not cough or look sick cause we needed to get off this boat)! And I danced it out  to songs about home (Leaving on a Jet Plane (, I  Wish I Were Home (The Wiz (8/8) Movie CLIP — Home (1978) HD), Take Me Home (John Denver — Take  Me Home, Country Roads (Audio)) and Coming Home (Gwyneth Paltrow — Coming Home (Country  Strong OST) like nobody was watching! 

I can’t even tell you how joyous it was to walk off the ship for the final time. One of the stipulations of  disembarking in Fort Lauderdale was that we’d go directly from the ship to a bus, which then drove us to  a private runway, where we boarded a chartered plane, to then be flown to Atlanta. We were a motley  crew, to say the least. We were pale. Some had difficulty standing. Many wept. Others cried out, “Thank  You, Jesus.” And a few fell to their knees and kissed the ground.  

When we walked through the front door of 647 Riverside Drive, we just stood and stared. We were so  overwhelmed and overjoyed. We were in awe of God and His goodness. And we could say with certainty  that there was no place like home. 



Deuteronomy 31:8 – And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not  leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.

Lessons Learned

I liken our journey to that of Abraham’s. Sure Abraham is known as the Father of Faith. But his journey  didn’t begin that way. Abraham grew over time in relationship and trust with God (read Genesis 12-25). 

And this growth and transformation were evidenced in the names He gave God. Along Abraham’s  journey, He grew to know God as: 

Yahweh — Before the experiences, Abraham knew God as Yahweh, a name primarily  used out of respect for its sacredness (Genesis 12). 

Deliverer — Melchizedek, in His blessing, accredited God as Abram’s deliverer. Abraham  was beginning to know God because of personal experiences (Genesis 14:20).Elohim — God as “Creator, Mighty and Strong” (Genesis 14:22). 

His shield and great reward — God identified Himself as this to Abraham (Genesis 15:1). ▪ Redeemer — God identified Himself as this to Abraham (Genesis 15:7). 

El Shaddai God Almighty — This is a name meant to establish God’s power on earth,  over nature, and in the life of Abram and Sarai. He also showed Himself still as mighty  even after “Hagar” (Genesis 17:1). 

Adonai — “My Lord, personal, mighty, sovereign” (Genesis 18:3). 

Merciful — The Lord saved Lot (Genesis 19:27-29). 

A Promise Keeper/One Who Makes Me Laugh — This is revealed in the naming of Isaac  (Genesis 21:6-7). 

Everlasting God – “From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” This name signifies  God’s nature which is without beginning or end, free from all time constraints. (Genesis  21:33). 

Jehovah Jireh — “The Lord Will Provide” – This name was given by Abraham when God  provided a ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac (Genesis 22:14)

El Shaddai —My Faithful God — God appears to Abraham as Sovereign God or God  Almighty, the God for Whom nothing is impossible (Genesis 24:7).

Lessons Lived

We need to develop a trusting, faithful and intimate relationship with God just like Abraham did. Just  like Derrick and I are doing. The names given to God reflected His holiness and power and represented  an intimate and meaningful experience or encounter with Him. We need to know and rely on the power  of God. We need to walk with Him, grow with Him, lean on Him and trust Him. Often we don’t consider  the possibility of the miraculous because we put God in our small, cramped boxes of humanity. We  question, we doubt, and we shy away from even asking for the desires of our heart-healing, deliverance,  chains broken, children returned within the fold, a safe voyage home. But it’s in the impossible that God  usually shows His glory, His power and His love for us. Just because God hasn’t fulfilled His promises yet,  doesn’t mean that He will not. Neither circumstances nor time can deplete God’s promises of their  power. It just may mean that sometimes we have to wait with patience and in faith. Come to know  God’s promises for yourself. He promises never to leave you nor forsake you. Derrick and I know that to  be true. Won’t you trust Him today? 


    1.  How does Deuteronomy 31:8 speak to you? 
    2.  How do the varying names of God speak to You?
    3. Abraham is known as the Father of Faith, but he didn’t start that way. He began as  Abram. God changed his name to Abraham.
    4. What’s the name that God has for you?
    5. You  may not be there now, but how can you get there?
    6. What are your personal LIFE Lessons?
      • Liberation: What new insights have you gained that have freed you from past  thoughts or practices? 
      • Inspiration: In what ways have you been spiritually, emotionally or mentally  motivated to live for Christ?
      • Fortification: What additional scriptural texts, passages or stories can reinforce  and strengthen you against the attacks of the enemy?
      • Edification: How might you share your story to edify others and bring glory to  God?


As you process, digest, and apply what’s been shared, here are a couple of songs from my “Got Me  Through on the Boat” Playlist. Listen and allow the music to infiltrate your soul. Read the lyrics and let  the words encourage you. And I pray that you’ll be blessed as I was. 
