• There‘s Power in God’s Story for Our Lives

    Reclaiming the narrative and rewriting our story

Muh·zur·ee : Swahili for Beautiful

Beautiful, Fair and Pleasant, Marvelously and Wonderfully Made

Song of Solomon 1:5, 7:6, Psalm 139:14

Welcome to Mazuri Ministries where we share God’s beautiful story for the lives of women  through the sharing of Bible Studies, Devotional Thoughts of others, Resources, and Experiences to foster community and direct you to the only one who turns ashes into beauty.

Welcome to the epicenter of my mid-life crisis. Totally unexpected and unlike anything I’d ever heard about, read about, or knew what to do about!

My literal mid-life crisis and encounter with God took place on a cruise ship headed to Antarctica. This experience served to grow my faith in God and to then lead me into a deeper of His Word for me as a Black woman, wife, mother, and servant of the most High God. 

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They triumphed by the blood of the Lamb AND by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11)! The story of God’s working in your life is a powerful one! Learn how God can re-write your story and how you can share it effectively with others! … Read More

And let us encourage one another toward love…(Hebrews 10:24)”. Hear incredible stories from women around the world through our Podcast, Dive, Dine and Dish and Gotta Story to Tell… Read More

We are letters from Christ, written by the spirit of God (2 Corinthians 3:3)! God has re-written my story and it is my hope that my story will encourage and inspire you, as you live your life for Him!
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