They triumphed over Him by the blood of the Lamb AND by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11); making God’s goodness known amongst the peoples! Let’s Praise Him (I Chronicles 16:8)
When did sharing about the goodness of Jesus and all that He’s done for you become out of vogue? I don’t know about you but I can hardly contain myself, all that Godly goodness just bubbling over!
As living, breathing epistles, our written stories are anointed by God and have the power to transform lives. And just like the man who was relieved from demon possession, we should be running all over town telling how much Jesus has done for us (Luke 8:38-39). Sharing our stories serves to encourage and empower others. Paul stated, “because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly (Philippians 1:14).
May the stories of these ordinary women living out their extraordinary, God-written stories, serve to inspire, comfort, uplift, and motivate you.

Dive Dine Dish

Didn’t Ask to be Your Hero: Ordinary Women Living Extraordinary Lives Podcast