God’s Stories Introduction
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that women of God may be complete and equipped for every good work (II Timothy 3:16-17)
This was not my plan, sharing Bible studies. I was going to write a fictional series. I was going to conduct research regarding the educational practices for children of color. I was going to train up future educators. I was going to spend more time on my deck watching the ducks swim by. But amidst all of my plans, I continued to question my purpose and place in the world as a woman. I wondered why my Blackness caused such pain and fear and suffering. I worked hard at “doing Christianity” but was left feeling unworthy, never seeming able to measure up. By the world’s standard, I had it all. A devoted husband, terrific children (most of the time), my dream home, a cushy job, a loving family, a strong church connection. Yet, I felt empty, numb, and longing for more.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve relied on everyone else to gain understanding and meaning of God’s Word. I must confess that I didn’t truly believe that God could and would speak to me. After-all, I’m not a pastor. I haven’t taken any theology or Bible courses. I didn’t go to seminary. I’m not an elder or deacon or prophet. So I trusted everyone else’s interpretations and insights. I listened to and analyzed countless sermons. I’ve read more books than you can imagine. I examine blog posts and websites. I ask others to pray for me. I participate in Bible Studies. I did everything short of reading scripture and allowing God’s Word to speak to me, teach me, correct me, train me, equip me. And when I did, oh what glorious, unexpected, deeply profound, eye-opening revelations God provided about Himself, His plans and purposes, and His design for me.
When I cried out to the Lord, “Don’t you see me? Don’t you care? Why aren’t you answering me?”; God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, answered (Isaiah 65:24). Just as He responded to Hagar, He assured me, “I hear your misery and I see you” (Genesis 16:11 and 13). He reminded me that just as He was with Joshua, He was with me too (Joshua 1:5). God heard my cry, just as He heard David’s and promised to rescue and honor me (Psalm 91:15). God reminded me that every answer to every question that I had could be found in His Word. All I had to do, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), was to search His Word (John 5:39, Proverbs 16:1, Jeremiah 33:3).
Thus my study of the Bible by the leading of the Holy Spirit, through a lens of my womanhood and my Blackness, began in earnest. And this has been the most amazing time of my life. I’ve been like a kid in a candy store, realizing that those fruit snacks my mom tried to pass off as candy was certainly nothing like the Twizzlers and Snicker bars I discovered. It’s been like a great awakening! Passages and stories that I’ve read or heard a thousand times have taken on different meaning. The stories were no longer about someone else, but about ME! Revelations and insights filled my journal and my heart and my story has taken a dramatic turn from doubt to determination; fear to faith; shame to security; brokenness to beauty; victim to victorious!
While I believe that God has called each of us to share our talents, gifts, and our stories; I don’t want to become another voice interpreting God’s Word for you. Sure, I’m humbled by the opportunity to share and I’m excited to engage in dialogue and exchange with you. But truth be told, if you only read God’s Story I wouldn’t be offended at all. Because that’s all we need. His Word is more than enough. And just as He speaks to me, He can and will speak to You. In fact, He desires to speak to You.
So every LIFE Lesson begins with God’s Story. I have selected passages/stories directly from the Word of God as I think they relate to the given topic being explored. I then invite you to read and explore God’s
Word for yourself. I’ve provided a method that you can use as you grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Use it or not. Just don’t miss the point of getting into God’s Word. The method is adapted from Pastor Damien Johnson of the Seabrook Seventh-day Adventist Church as is as follows:
- Receive: Ask God to prepare your heart and mind to receive the right message as you read His Word. Pray this prayer as you examine God’s Word.
- Read: Read selected passages from God’s Word in order to gain more knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
- Reflect: Allow the passage(s) to speak to you by meditating on the words. Ask and answer the following SPACES questions:
- Is there Sin to confess?
- Is there a Promise to claim?
- Is there an Attitude to change?
- Is there a Command to obey?
- Is there an Example to follow?
- What do you See and how does it apply to your life?
- Record observations and application: Record your insights and questions as well as the ways you will apply what you’ve learned to your life.
It is my prayer, that God’s Story and its impact on My Story, will serve to transform Your Story so that you too can experience greater knowledge, understanding, wisdom and renewal and a desire to share it with others!