Little is known about ancient Put. However, Put had a small supporting role in the Biblical record, which is confirmed in Isaiah, who makes mention of Phut as a remote nation or country (Isa 66:19). Put, or Phut, is the third son of Ham, the youngest son of Noah (Genesis 10:14). 

Put was another “African” nation or people (Jeremiah 46:9, Ezekiel 27:36, 30:5, 38:5 and Nahum 3:9). It was most likely the country immediately west of Egypt. Many believe that Put and Libya are one and the same or that Put was also the founder of Libya. A Libyan connection has been inferred from Nahum 3:9, where it is said that “Put and Lubim” were the helpers of Egypt. The Greek translation of the Bible substitutes Libues in Ezekiel, where the Hebrew Bible refers to Put

Put, or the Libyan Desert, covered most of the country along with the Sahara Desert. The land was pretty dry and barren but could boast of being along the Mediterranean coast. The climate in that area was generally hot and dry, making agriculture difficult (From <>). 

Most of the passages where Put is mentioned are also named Cush, Ludim, and Lubim.  Other biblical verses consistently refer to the descendants of Put as warriors. Putites served in the Egyptian army (Ezekiel 30:5), in the Tyrian navy and as supplying mercenaries to Tyre (Ezekiel 27:10, 20),  they were numbered in the army of Gog (Ezekiel 38:5), and in Jeremiah 46:9 as being supporters of Egypt, and as sharing with Cush, Lud, and other helpers of Egypt, in the fall of Egypt (Ezekiel 30:5). (From <>).