Meditation is defined as thinking deeply or focusing one’s mind on something over a sustained period. So meditating on God’s Word isn’t simply reading it. It’s thinking deeply about it. It’s spending concentrated, purposeful, and intentional time pondering God’s Word. Meditating differs from studying God’s Word. Studying is seeking to understand His Word.
On the other hand, meditating on His Word is the reciprocal communion with God, allowing Him to speak to you, to fill you with His Word. It’s focused time listening to God speak to you. Meditation allows God’s Word to saturate us, penetrating our hearts and seeping into our bones, becoming active and alive within us (Proverbs 4:21).
Scripture: Psalm 1:2 – But his delight is in the law of the Lord; And in his law he meditates day and night.
Lessons Learned
I must admit that just writing the word meditate makes me feel a bit uneasy. In these contemporary times, the word has been hijacked by the secular world and has come to mean something more selfish, a turning inward. It’s mindless, an emptying of yourself, and allowing “the universe” to guide and fill you. We think of the practices of the Hindus or the Buddhists. We think yoga. We think New Age and spiritualism. We think “aahmmms” and namastes.
But just because Satan hijacked yet another word or practice doesn’t mean it belongs to him or the world. See, meditation was always a practice sanctioned by God (Joshua 1:8). It was even used by Jesus Himself (Mark 1:34). Meditation is simply a form of prayer in which we become aware of and reflect upon the love and revelations of God. While the other types of meditation seek to disengage the mind, the practice of meditating on God’s Word seeks to fill our minds and hearts with Him.
Let’s look to Biblical examples like Isaac (Genesis 24:63), who meditated alone in the field, or David, who took such delight in God and meditated on His greatness and His Word (Psalm 77:12; 119:15) and who meditated in response to the news from Nathan regarding God’s wishes for him not to build a temple (2 Samuel 7:18). And of course, we have the example of Jesus Himself, who frequently set aside time to commune with His Father, God (Luke 6:12-13).
Let’s reclaim our call and privilege to meditate (Joshua 1:8, I Timothy 4:15). The psalmist wrote, “O how I love your Law. It is my meditation all the day. … Your commands make me wiser than my enemies … I have more understanding than my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation” (Psalm 119:97-99). Meditation will make us wise and have greater understanding. It will also guide our daily lives and prosperous living (Joshua 1:8). It will change our mindsets (Philippians 4:8-9) and give us the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11)!
Lessons Lived
How can you best meditate on God’s Word?
Make a date with God. I can’t stress this point enough. We schedule everything else. We put reminders on our phones of important dates, meetings and things to do. And we go to great lengths to ensure we keep these “important” appointments. We should give the same attention to our time with God. Set a standing date with God first thing in the morning. Commit to at least 35-40 minutes in the morning with God. Use 5-10 minutes to prepare for your time – brush your teeth (this helps with the wake-up process), stretch, drink 8oz of water (room temperature or hot), water with lemon or tea, and get situated in your Me and God space.
Create a “Me and God” special place to meet. This should not be in your bed (the bed tells us to sleep). Set up a basket with your Bible, journal, pen, candle or diffuser, and music if you are short on space. Be sure your phone is silenced. If you need to keep track of time, set a timer so that you aren’t constantly checking the time.
Have a pattern or routine to guide your meditation and worship time. Here are a few approaches I use.
- Morning Meditation:
- 3-5 minutes – Be Still Moment. I usually have an instrumental hymn playing quietly in the background during this time.
- 3-5 minutes – Record Your Meditation Revelation. I record whatever messages, answers, questions or passages of scripture that God has revealed to me during my quiet time with Him.
- 5-10 minutes – In God’s Word. I use this time to “meditate” on one passage of scripture. This can be scripture related to a particular study you’re engaged in or a passage that God has led you. During this time, I read and re-read the scripture, and I journal my reflections regarding the passage of scripture.
- 5-10 minutes – Meditation Affirmation. After I’ve meditated on God’s Word and have written His Words on my heart, I speak God’s Word and His promises over my life. Affirm God, His goodness and His power. I think and speak as one who God says I am! I repeat the affirmation a few times, then write it out.
- 5-10 minutes – In Prayer. I use this time to pray over the scripture, pray for others, and ask God to set my intentions for the day.
- Evening Meditation
- 2-3 minutes – In Prayer. I use this time to thank God for bringing me through another day, and I pray over the scripture.
- 3-5 minutes – Today I Was Who God Says I Am. I spend a few minutes recording messages, answers, manifestations, and revelations received throughout the day about the scripture and my daily affirmations. I note at least one way I am as God said I was throughout the day.
- 2-3 minutes – In Prayer. I use this time to pray over the scripture, pray for others and ask God to go before me, prepare my tomorrow and continue transforming me as I grow in Him.
- Devotional Approach – This is a method by which you thoroughly read a passage of scripture and meditate on it. The study is led by the meditation. Then you record the revelations and applications received.
- Receive: Pray to God to prepare your heart and mind to receive the right message as you read the Word.
- Read: Don’t just browse the Bible. Read to gain more knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
- Reflect: Allow the passage to speak to you by meditating on the words. Here’s one questioning technique you can use as you reflect upon the Word. Ask the following SPACES questions:
- Is there Sin to confess?
- Is there a Promise to claim?
- Is there an Attitude to change?
- Is there a Command to obey?
- Is there an Example to follow?
- What do you See, and how does it apply to your life?
- Record observations and application: Record your insights and questions, and record how you will apply what you’ve learned to your life.
- 30 days of Meditation
- In this approach, I focus on a particular topic or area in my life that I need God to transform. Each day, for 28 days, I meditate on and journal about a passage of scripture related to the topic area. Throughout the day, I work to live in the fullness of that particular passage. As an example, see the 30 Day Meditation Challenges in the Resource Section found at www.mazuriministries.org.
At first, it may seem hard, robotic, too structured, etc., but I promise, after 28 days, you’ll need it more than your morning cup of coffee. You won’t be able to imagine your life without God and His Word. You’ll wonder how 30 minutes went by so fast. You’ll accomplish far more in a day than you ever did before, and you will experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. Go ahead; I dare you. Give it a try and watch your life be transformed!
Lessons Lived
- How does Psalm 1:2 speak to you?
- How would you characterize your meditation life heretofore?
- What strategies could you implement to improve your meditation upon God’s Word?
- What will you commit to today to better know and live God’s Word?
- What are your personal LIFE Lessons?
- Liberation: What new insights have you gained that have freed you from past thoughts or practices?
- Inspiration: In what ways have you been spiritually, emotionally or mentally motivated to live for Christ?
- Fortification: What additional scriptural texts, passages or stories can reinforce and strengthen you against the attacks of the enemy?
- Edification: How might you share your story to edify others and bring glory to God?
As you process, digest, and apply what’s been shared, here are a couple of songs from my playlist that remind me of Who God Is. Listen and let the music infiltrate your soul. Read the lyrics and allow the words to encourage you. And I pray that you’ll be blessed as I was.
Speak to My Heart by Donnie McClurkin – Speak to My Heart – Donnie McClurkin
Dear Heavenly Father, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14). In Your most holy name Jesus, I pray, Amen.