Musician Phil Spector experienced a remarkable rise and a more astonishing fall. Spector was a visionary, creating a sound never heard before, thus enjoying fame and wealth. However, in an interview with Telegraph magazine (2002), he indicated, “People tell me they idolize me, want to be like me. But I tell them, ‘Trust me, you don’t want my life.’ It hasn’t been a very pleasant life. I’ve been a very tortured soul. I have not been at peace with myself.” Spector, like many of us, lost that lovin’ feelin’.


John 14:16-17 – “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”


Lessons Learned

How easy it is to lose that lovin’ feeling. When I first came to Christ, I was in love and on fire for God. I studied my Bible. I went to church. Gospel music filled my car during my long commute. I would readily testify of God’s goodness and invite everyone I encountered to come to know Jesus. But after some time, “life got in the way.” I treasured sleep more than my morning devotion time. I focused more on “my work” than growing my faith. I got complacent, comfortable, and the “ooey-gooey loving feelings” began to wane. Sickness crept in. Several prayers seemed to go unanswered. And then doubt began to sneak up on me. “I did everything you asked.” I thought, “So why am I going through this?” My problems seemed bigger than God’s promises. 

But God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that we, because of our humanness, would need a reminder of God’s love and presence (John 15:26). He knew that we’d forget His promises, and we’d begin to question that which we could not see and touch (John 10:22-25, John 14:8-11). We would need a comforter that we could feel. We would need a holy nudge when we got off track. So God gave us the Holy Spirit.  

Look at the example of John, the disciple. John followed Jesus faithfully. He was one of the twelve chosen disciples (Matthew 4:21). He was referred to as one of the Sons of Thunder (Mark 3:17). He was referred to as the beloved of Christ (John 21:7). And he was the only disciple present at the crucifixion and was commissioned by Jesus to watch over Mary, the mother of Jesus (John 19:25-27). During John’s ministry, he also spread the gospel message throughout Samaria (Acts 8:14) and Asia Minor (Revelation 1:11). 

Eventually, John was captured as part of a persecution campaign by the Roman Emperor Domitian. John was ultimately sentenced to Patmos (Revelation 1:9), a small, rocky and barren area where many criminals of Rome were sent to serve out their prison terms. The conditions were harsh, and often prisoners had to work in the mines with little food and protection against the elements. 

Exile on Patmos separated John from the church of Ephesus, cut him off from the work of in Asia Minor and silenced his preaching. His banishment could be characterized by isolation and loneliness, separation from people he cared about, and a disruption to the routines of daily living. Patmos brought John to a standstill, the prime circumstances for “losing that lovin’ feeling.”

Lessons Lived

Given his circumstances, John could have fallen into a state of discouragement and despair, and self-pity and sadness.  But instead of Patmos being a place of exile, Patmos became a point of spiritual connection and communion with God. It was here in the midst of chaos and hardship that John received revelation from God, a vision of Jesus, and a glimpse of his eternal future while he was in the Spirit (Revelation 1:2). Remember, John was present at Pentecost and experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). John had heard Jesus’ words in John 14:26:  “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” 

So it was here at Patmos that John, through the comfort and teaching of the Holy Spirit, was able to hold on to that lovin’ feeling. Despite despair, he was assured of God’s presence and plan through the working of the Holy Spirit. 

And just as the Holy Spirit was available to John, the Holy Spirit dwells within each one of us and is available for our comfort, for our guidance, and for a reminder that God is ever-present and has a plan for our salvation. Sometimes, the noise and busyness of life can block out God’s voice. But like John, it’s in our returning and rest that we can reconnect and experience peace (Isaiah 30:15). It’s in the quietness that the Holy Spirit can reconnect us, recharge us, and revive us. 

The Holy Spirit is just a prayer away. “Help me, Holy Spirit” has been my prayer many a day. The Holy Spirit is ever-present, but we must learn how to “hear His voice.” We must learn to recognize how He speaks to us. For me, when I’m off course or need to consider something, I get a “feeling in my gizzard, my gut.” When I’m in despair, I get a warmth that surrounds and fills me. Or He speaks to me by giving me a thought or an idea (usually between 2 am – 4 am). I have asked God if 5 am – 7 am might be a better time, but so far, His timing stands. Or He impresses upon my heart to say or do something. The Holy Spirit speaks, and I am learning to be tuned to His voice so that I might dwell in that “lovin’ feeling” always. 

The Holy Spirit can give us peace during our problems and patience during the pause. The Holy Spirit is on our side, rooting for us, cheering us on. Hold on, and let the Spirit work and live in you!


    1. How does John 14:16-17 speak to you?
    2. How does the Holy Spirit speak to you? 
    3. What’s been your “Patmos” experience? Did the Holy Spirit intervene, and if so, how? 
    4. Describe what prevents you from hearing from God?
    5. What supports you hearing from God?
    6. What are your personal LIFE Lessons?
      • Liberation: What new insights have you gained that have freed you from past thoughts or practices?
      • Inspiration: In what ways have you been spiritually, emotionally or mentally motivated to live for Christ?
      • Fortification: What additional scriptural texts, passages or stories can reinforce and strengthen you against the attacks of the enemy?
      • Edification: How might you share your story in order to edify others and bring glory to God?


As you process, digest, and apply what’s been shared, here are a couple of songs from my playlist that remind me of Who God Is.  Listen, Let the music infiltrate your soul. Read the lyrics and let the words encourage you. And I pray that you’ll be blessed as I was. 


Dear Heavenly Father, I am a temple of Your Holy Spirit. He dwells in me; therefore, I am never alone. Help me to be in tune with His leading, His guidance, and His wisdom. Help me to honor You always in how I think, speak, go, and do. You, Father, loved me so much that You gave me Your Holy Spirit to remind me of Your majesty and presence. I receive what You have given, and I will keep that lovin’ feeling forevermore! In Your most holy name Jesus, I pray, Amen.