The Shulamite Woman’s Retreat

Payment Options

The following payment options are available: 

  • Early Bird Special: Register and make your initial deposit of 1/3 the total cost by June 1, 2024 will result in a $50.00 discount
  • Payment in full by June 1, 2024 will result in a $100.00 discount
  • Payment options include payment via check, CashApp, and Zelle. Credit card payments via PayPal are accepted but will ensue a 5% credit card processing fee
  • Donation: Please consider making a monetary donation to support a Mazuri Ministries sponsored participant. This young woman has overcome great adversity, has worked diligently to change re-write her story and who will benefit greatly from her participation in this awesome retreat. All donations are tax deductible and you will be giving a deserving young woman the privilege to respond to God’s call to come away and rest a while.