Growing up, I longed to be just like everybody else. It wasn’t cool to stand-out. And doing things your way or a different way was social suicide. So I dressed like my friends. I talked like they talked. I laughed when everyone else laughed. And I inserted the necessary eye roll or suck of the teeth when the situation called for it.


 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

Lessons Learned

Oh how I wish I had had the wisdom that comes with age (or at least it should) back then. Because this is the exact opposite of what God expects from us. In His Word, God says that each of us is one of His masterpieces (Ephesians 2:10). We are unique and are especially designed (Isaiah 64:8). And while we all were created with a unified purpose (Psalm 57:2) and while each of us share the identity of Christ (Ephesians 1:5), our expressions of our identity in Christ and our fulfillment of God’s purposes are unique to each of us (Romans 12:6-8). 

Lessons Lived

For example, had to learn that I am not my hair. For so long my self-worth was tied to my hair.

“I wish my hair were longer, shorter, straighter, curlier, black, no wait, blonde!”  The world said straight was beautiful, so I spent hundreds on relaxers and flat irons. Then short and cropped was in, so I chopped it all off. And I avoided the water like the plague cause I had no time to re-do “the do” after it got wet. 

When my hair began to break off, I chose ‘letting it be’ over going bald. And what a journey! I saved time and money, yes. But as I worked to whip my tresses into submission, I learned important life lessons like patience (will my hair ever be healthy?), perseverance (moisturizing, deep conditioning, no short cuts), and flexibility (tight curls yesterday, poofy fro today). My hair journey served as the catalyst for understanding and appreciating me – the me Davenia created! 

 And as I came to understand that I wasn’t my outward appearance (I Samuel 16:7), I began to learn that I am not what I do – wife, mother, daughter, friend, professor, teacher, writer, foodie – nor am I my feelings – anxious, depressed, type-A, driven, perfectionist. 

 I am Who God says I am (See Reflect God, Identity In Christ, Wonderfully and Marvelously Made) but how I express and lean into that identity is unique, peculiar to me (Deuteronomy 14:2). See, as I surrender to God, He can take all of my “weaknesses” and use them for His good (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

  •  Overthinking– My attention to detail, my ability to plan, design, and create, and my ability to actualize the visions are all excellent skills and gifts. Help me to not overthink things to the point of getting stuck, getting lost in the details, and not moving forward. 
  • Perfectionist- I strive for excellence. I do things well. Help my desire for excellence not lead to discouragement because people, things, or I don’t live up to my expectations. Help it not lead to pride or reliance on my abilities. Help me not exclude others or seek help because I don’t think others measure up. Help me not give up when I fail. Help me not lose sight of the message in the programming. 
  • Big dreamer – I have visions of grandeur. I can see the big picture. I have creative and innovative ideas. Help me not get discouraged in the wait to fulfillment. Help me not get so lost in the visions for the future and lose sight of and enjoyment in the present. Help my dreams and visions inspire, encourage, and bless others and point to Your miracles and power. Help me give You all praise honor and glory due Your name, crediting You for the fulfillment of all my dreams. 

God also takes my gifts and talents and does the miraculous. Like with Moses, God says, “Davenia, what’s in your hand (Exodus 4:2)?” God uses my ability to effectively communicate in writing, my analytical mind, my compassion, my gentle spirit, my humor, my sense of adventure, my passion for reading, my youthful nature, and my generous heart to accomplish His purposes. 

He takes what He’s equipped me with, He compensates for my fears and my shortcomings and He then sets captives free (Exodus 13:18), makes a way through insurmountable waters (Exodus 14:21-31), leads you (Exodus 13:21-22), provides food to the hungry (Exodus 16:4-18), and water for the thirsty (Exodus 15:22-25), gives victory over your enemies (Exodus 17:9-13) and gives you land flowing with milk and honey (Numbers 13:27).  

I am so glad that I am Wonderfully and Marvelously made and of the 7.75 billion people on earth, there is not one other like me! I am one in 7.75 billion uniquely, authentically, and unapologetically me!


  1. How does Psalm 139:14 speak to you?
  2. How have you defined yourself in the past? How do you define yourself now?
  3. Complete the statement “I am wonderfully and marvelously made. There is no one like me. I am __________.”
  4. How can God use your weaknesses or shortcomings for His good? 
  5. What’s in your hand? What skills or talents or gifts has God blessed you with? How can you use these for God’s good?
  6. What are your personal LIFE Lessons?
    • Liberation: What new insights have you gained that have freed you from past thoughts and/or practices?
    • Inspiration: In what ways have you been spiritually, emotionally and/or mentally motivated to live for Christ?
    • Fortification: What additional scriptural texts, passages or stories can serve to reinforce and strengthen you against the attacks of the enemy?
    • Edification: How might you share your story in order to edify others and bring glory to God?


As you process, digest, and apply what’s been shared, here are a couple of songs from my “Identity in Christ” Playlist. Listen, Let the music infiltrate your soul. Read the lyrics and let the words encourage you. And I pray that you’ll be blessed as I was. 


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for creating me – me with all my curves and all my edges, and all of my perfect imperfections. Help me use my skills, gifts and talents to present Your message of love, hope and salvation in a way that draws others to You. Help me commit all of my work to You and to strive for Your approval only. And where I am weak, cover me, for Your grace is sufficient and may your strength be made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). Help me not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9). Help me to use these skills to glorify You and to carry out Your good work (Matthew 5:16). In Your most holy name Jesus, I pray, Amen.